How Do I Get Started?
1. Go to http://www.heathandwelfare.idaho.gov
1) click on “providers”
2) under “facilities” click on “Certified Family Homes”
3) read “Provider’s Page” and “Provider Information” sections
2. You must be certified and licensed through the Department of Health and Welfare and have completed the “CFH Orientation and Certification Process.”
Transitioning current residents to the new owners of the home
1. If you are NOT already certified through Health & Welfare, you will want to consider doing this first. The transition will happen faster and more smoothly if you are already certified and licensed, and then proceed with the purchase of the home.
2. If you are already certified and you are enrolled in the Molina system, Health & Welfare will allow a transition period when moving from one residence to another. We will work closely with H&W and the resident families during this time.
I am willing to assist the new owner with the CFH transition.
Disclaimer: We do not guarantee that the current residents will transfer to the care of the new owners in the sale of this home. The decision is completely up to the families of these residents. We do not guarantee the success or the failure of your home business.
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