Dry Creek Corridor
Perhaps one of the greatest assets to the Brookwood community in addition to its community pool and waterways/open space is the preserved natural area along the banks of Dry Creek. Early on in the planning of the Brookwood community, it was determined to keep the waterway and mature trees along Dry Creek as a natural area to be enjoyed by not only residents of Brookwood but by the entire community of Eagle.
A wide, meandering path was established beginning at Eagle Road and ending near the intersection of Groveland Place and Covey Run Court. The tree lined, shady path is a great place for an invigorating morning run with your dog or a leisurely stroll with family and friends. Along the way, you just might catch a glimpse of an eagle or osprey perched in the tree tops or a family of ducks quietly paddling in the creek. Muskrats, frogs and fish can also be found in the creek and it is a favorite hunting spot for a number of great blue heron. If you are really fortunate, you might even come across a deer and its fawn quietly enjoying the creek.